Honoring Indigenous People’s Day

This morning the little guy asked whether he had school today. I answered no, it's Indigenous People's Day. He asked again what that is and we talked about people who lived here before our ancestors came, that everyone today has ancestors from somewhere whether it's here or other parts of the world, that many families have ancestors that traveled long distances (by choice or by force).

He asked where our family was from originally and I said mostly Europe to the best of my knowledge. "And maybe also Vikings?" I don't know if we're descended from Vikings kiddo, but I do know that there's a lot left out of the story. And so I keep reading and learning and hoping that these kids will have a more complete picture than I did. Celebrating Indigenous People's Day is just one step in the right direction.

#indigenouspeoplesday #endwhitesilence #thinkgloballyactlocally #planet #people #place


Mom of two, ocean enthusiast, Eight Legged Octopus founder.


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