Musing and Reviews (aka the Blog)
Imperfect attempts at living lightly, doing good, and being mom.
Here's to Adventures
Thinking back to the long lasting impact of a trip taken more than 30 years ago.
What Makes Something Possible
A few weeks ago I had the chance to visit a small undeveloped island that my mom helped protect in the 80's. Being there made me think about what makes something possible, especially when the stories seem especially prevalent this summer of coastal property owners going to great lengths to block the public from accessing the ocean and using beaches.
In Which We Notice Things There All Along
In all my years in New England, I never noticed the parallel between spring and fall leaf colors. And then I heard a story about it on the radio and I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t noticed it all along.
Introductions - better late than never!
Hi everyone, I'm Lindsey, the founder and owner of Eight Legged Octopus. I'm not a huge fan of being in front of the camera, but I suppose now is as good a time as any for a bit more of an introduction.
One year in!
One year ago I hit publish on this website and started social media accounts for Eight Legged Octopus. I'm proud to keep working to move our mission forward by providing tips and products to help us live lighter on the planet, learn about and connect with the natural world, and build stronger connections between people and place.
One of the most iconic images painted by my favorite artist growing up is called Weatherbeaten. It's a huge oil painting depicting storm driven waves crashing on immense rocks along the shore.
Women in Science Kids Books
If you can’t see it, you can’t be it. Check out these kids books on women in science.
Time folds in - Part II
A fellow writing group member once talked about the idea of time folding in on itself in places where different generations have shared similar experiences or taken similar actions.
Return from Recharge 2021
As we re-enter the hectic daily life of work, day camps, alarms, activities, schedules, and all the associated mental load, I'm going to hold on to the peace and calm that comes from watching the ocean and more specifically watching my kids connect with the ocean.
This Store is Located on N’dakinna
I made a land acknowledgement sign for the store this weekend and put it up last night. It’s by the door so our customers have an opportunity to read and reflect. I hope this small step becomes a way to have broader conversations about building inclusive spaces.
Skip the (trash) bag!
Ever thought about dropping your kitchen trash bag to reduce plastic? Check out these tips, it's easier than you might think.
Time Folds In
Seeing my kids do things I did as a kid makes me reflect on my past and those who came before me.
A perfect shot or a reconnection?
Waiting for a perfect shot creates a reminder to slow down and reconnect with the natural world.
We welcome guest posts, feel free to reach out with an idea!