Coming alive: nature is all around us

Even on a grey day walking over to the Mill I was struck by the life and color that caught my eye.

I've seen this Mallard pair a couple times now and find myself looking for them each time I cross the bridge.

Something about how their ripples cut through the power line reflections was especially mesmerizing today.

It's a good reminder for me that nature isn't just out in remote areas, it's around us everywhere.

The pigeon in the city.

The grass cracking through the sidewalk.

The butterfly gliding across four lanes of traffic.

The pair of Mallards that make downtown Dover their home.

As we come to the close of 2021 there's a lot to reflect on both good and less so. But the earth keeps turning and seasons keep changing.

As I try to slow down to look backwards and forwards during this in between time, I hope I'll continue to listen and take cues from the world around me.

And so I'm reminded again of a favorite quote:

"Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Howard Thurman

May 2022 be the year we all come alive.






[Image shows the Cocheco River in downtown Dover with a pair of Mallard ducks swimming across the reflection of power lines across the river]


Mom of two, ocean enthusiast, Eight Legged Octopus founder.


Ready for 2022


Introductions - better late than never!