Introductions - better late than never!

Hi everyone, I'm Lindsey, the founder and owner of Eight Legged Octopus. I'm not a huge fan of being in front of the camera, but I suppose now is as good a time as any for a bit more of an introduction.

I've worked in the environmental policy world for nearly 20 years, am mom to two kiddos, get excited about way too many different ideas, work hard to remind myself every day that #imperfectisokay, and consider myself a New Englander after living most of my life in MA, VT, ME, and now NH after a stint in DC. I wear a couple different hats in my personal and professional life but they all connect back to the themes here at Eight Legged Octopus: planet, people, and place.

Eight Legged Octopus was originally born out of a joke when my oldest was a new baby nearly a decade ago. It was a rare moment when I came across an octopus on baby items that actually had eight legs (well arms, but that just doesn't have quite the same ring to it). I started a blog back then and re-imagined it all in 2020 as way bring together my passions for the ocean, for people, for community, and for the idea that a business can be part of building the type of future I want to see for everyone. The blog continues on with my periodic musings and the shop offerings grow each day it seems!

Our mission at Eight Legged Octopus is to provide ​tips and products to help live lighter on the planet, learn about and connect with the natural world, and build stronger connections between people and place.

Our guiding principles shape who we partner with and what products we carry:

  • Balance planet, people, and profit

  • Local, handmade and/or small batch

  • Lighten our impact on the planet

  • Bring in voices and products from those who have been historically marginalized and excluded

  • Strengthen community connections

  • Give back (time, money, voice)

  • Support science and provide scientifically accurate products

I'm learning something new every day and realizing how much I don't know. I'm making mistakes, but learning and growing from it all. I'm so grateful for all of you joining me on this ride and supporting this glimmer as it evolved from an idea into a real thing.

So come down to chat at the shop, check out the blog, or shop online from your couch. It all helps! Thanks for your support!

#bethechange #dothenextrightthing #intotheunknown #livelighter #imperfectisokay #planetpeopleplace


Mom of two, ocean enthusiast, Eight Legged Octopus founder.


Coming alive: nature is all around us


One year in!