Raise Hell (and dahlias)

These gorgeous dahlias are a link between past and present.

Each spring my mom used to carefully plant the bulbs that she'd stored all winter, waiting patiently throughout the summer until they bloomed this time of year.

The overflowing bounty of flowers would go to neighbors and friends for a few glorious weeks.

As the weather turned colder she'd dig them up and store the bulbs again for another year.

For the past three summers, my father has kept this cycle going in her absence. The friends and neighbors still get to enjoy the flowers and memories even though she's gone.

Yesterday I had the chance to gather a few bouquets with my dad. And her favorite saying kept running through my mind.

She'd start with an early 20th century quote attributed to editor William Allen White - "My advice to the women of America is to raise more hell and fewer dahlias." But she loved these flowers and had a favorite modification that I prefer now too.

"Why choose? Women should raise hell AND dahlias."


Mom of two, ocean enthusiast, Eight Legged Octopus founder.


One year in!

