One year in!
One year ago I hit publish on this website and started social media accounts for Eight Legged Octopus. It was based on an idea that had been brewing for more than 10 years (longer if you count back to a childhood fascination with nature and little gift shops).
The middle of a global pandemic with an already full plate was probably not the best time to try something new, but for a whole host of reasons it felt like the right time.
Time to stop worrying about what others would think.
Time to stop second guessing myself.
Time to stop wondering "what if?"
So here we are a year later taking incremental steps, learning every day, working to build something new.
Reflecting on the last year and looking to the future, it can be overwhelming to think about how much I've learned that I don't know and how much more there is to learn. But I'm reminded that it's still the right time.
Time to start taking my own advice.
Time to start owning the power of my own voice, imperfect as it might be.
Time to start building the future we imagine.
So happy first birthday to Eight Legged Octopus. We believe that businesses can balance planet, people, and profit and be part of a suite of positive efforts to build a more sustainable future. I'm proud to keep working to move our mission forward by providing tips and products to help us live lighter on the planet, learn about and connect with the natural world, and build stronger connections between people and place.
Thanks for coming along for the ride!