Time folds in - Part II

A child stands ready to toss a minnow trap off a dock at sunset.

A child stands ready to toss a minnow trap off a dock at sunset.

Not much beats a minnow trap at sunset...

A fellow writing group member once talked about the idea of time folding in on itself in places where different generations have shared similar experiences or taken similar actions.

The idea resonates with me, particularly here in this place where five generations of our family have explored and experimented and learned and fallen in love with the sea.

Time folds in on itself here. This picture of my son could just as easily be of me or my siblings or my cousins or my mom or my uncles across more than 70 years.

Yet we each love this place in different ways and for different reasons. And so it is for every corner of the Earth, which is what makes us all such fascinating and complicated humans. It's also what makes me think that for all the selfishness and self-centeredness I witness in the world, I can still trust that we'll find a way to come back into balance. And that we'll find a way to build paths ahead that honor the land and water and people we share this world with.

Because for there to be a future where time can continue to fold in on itself, we simply must figure it out.

#bethechange #thinkgloballyactlocally #dothenextrightthing #doyourpart #wereallconnected #livelighter #imperfectisokay #planetpeopleplace


Mom of two, ocean enthusiast, Eight Legged Octopus founder.


Born on September 11th


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